Zamp HR Blog

Why do PEO clients have more engaged employees?

Written by Zamp HR | October 03, 2023

You are constantly seeking ways to enhance employee engagement. This is no surprise, considering its direct link to productivity, retention, and overall business success.

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) have emerged as a powerful ally in this endeavor. A recent study by the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), shed light on the tangible benefits of partnering with PEOs.

The NAPEO report reveals that businesses collaborating with PEOs witness many positive outcomes.

For instance, employees working in companies that are PEO clients are significantly more likely to believe that their employer:

  • Demonstrates a commitment to them, with an average response rate that's eight percentage points higher.
  • Has commendable hiring practices, again scoring eight percentage points higher.
  • Upholds good HR policies and practices, with a five-percentage point lead.
  • Excels in job design, scoring four percentage points higher.
  • Offers valuable training and development opportunities, leading by four-percentage points.

Additionally, these employees also report higher scores in key areas of satisfaction and confidence in company management. They exhibit:

  • Enhanced levels of employee engagement, with a five-percentage point increase.
  • A stronger intention to stay with their current employer until retirement, leading by eight percentage points.
  • A robust belief that their employer is taking the proper steps to remain competitive, with an eight-percentage point advantage.
  • Greater trust in their employer's commitment to delivering excellent customer service, scoring seven percentage points higher.
  • Increased confidence in their employer's approach to growing the company, leading by five percentage points.

These statistics underscore the value of PEOs in fostering a more engaged workforce and highlight their role in creating a work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute their best. As we delve deeper into the world of PEOs and their impact on employee engagement, you'll discover the transformative potential of these partnerships.

But how do PEOs achieve these numbers?

To answer that, let's look at how HR practices can improve engagement.

The Role of HR Practices in Engagement

The heart of any company isn't its products or services but its people. And when it comes to nurturing and growing that heart, Human Resources (HR) practices play a pivotal role. Here's how PEOs, or Professional Employer Organizations, elevate these practices to new heights.

Commitment to Employees:

What if you could walk into an office where every individual feels valued, where there's a palpable sense of employee loyalty and employee trust? This isn't a utopian dream but a reality in companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to their employees.

PEOs act as the bridge, ensuring businesses communicate and embody this commitment. They foster an environment where employees feel a sense of employee alignment with the company's vision and are proud employee advocates of its mission.

Effective Hiring:

First impressions matter. In the corporate world, that first impression is often the hiring process. A streamlined and effective hiring procedure can set the tone for an employee's entire journey with a company. PEOs bring their expertise to the table, ensuring that the hiring process is not just efficient but also reflective of the company's values and culture. From employee onboarding to celebrating employee milestones, PEOs ensure every step is a testament to the company's commitment to its employees.

Robust HR Policies:

A company's foundation is built on its Human Resource policies. But it's not just about having policies in place; it's about ensuring they are transparent, beneficial, and consistently implemented. PEOs excel in this domain. They assist businesses in crafting policies that are both comprehensive and employee-centric. And it doesn't stop there. With tools like employee feedback loops and employee surveys, PEOs ensure these policies remain dynamic, evolving based on real-time feedback and changing business landscapes.

Job Design:

A well-designed job role is like a tailored suit – it fits just right. PEOs understand the importance of tailoring job roles to align with employee strengths and business needs. They ensure that positions are not just about tasks but about employee empowerment and employee autonomy, allowing employees to take ownership and thrive.

Training and Development:

In the ever-evolving business world, stagnation is the real enemy. Continuous employee learning and employee development are the weapons to combat it. PEOs strongly emphasize regular employee training and development, ensuring employees are always at the forefront of industry knowledge and skills. This not only aids in personal growth but also ensures the company remains competitive and innovative.

As we've seen, the role of HR practices in engagement is multifaceted and crucial. But while HR lays the foundation, there's more to the story of employee engagement. Let's

delve deeper into how PEOs enhance employee satisfaction and confidence, creating a workplace where employees don't just work but thrive.

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction and Confidence

Employee engagement isn't just about doing more. It's not enough to offer excellent training opportunities or have a well-crafted job design; employees must feel valued and respected. This is where PEOs come into play.

Retention and Longevity:

An employee's longevity within a company speaks volumes about its culture and values. High employee retention rates indicate a workplace where individuals feel valued and see a future for themselves. PEOs bring strategies to the table that not only boost retention rates but also ensure that employees envision a long-term journey with the company, reaping benefits and growing both personally and professionally.

Customer Service Excellence:

Every business leader knows that exceptional customer service is the key to a loyal customer base. But behind every great customer interaction is an employee who feels recognized and appreciated. PEOs ensure that businesses prioritize employee recognition and appreciation, creating a ripple effect leading to unparalleled customer service excellence.

Growth and Future Vision:

Every employee wants to be part of a success story. PEOs ensure that this narrative is not just about the company's growth but also employee growth. By aligning employees with the company's growth vision and instilling confidence in its strategies, PEOs ensure that every team member feels integral to the company's future successes.

PEOs are instrumental in crafting a positive narrative. But the benefits don't end there. PEOs are also experts at crafting the ideal work environment where every employee feels at home and empowered.

Crafting the Ideal Work Environment

A vibrant work environment should be the backdrop against which every task is performed, every challenge met, and every success celebrated. PEOs understand the nuances of creating such an environment, ensuring it's functional and fosters growth, collaboration, and innovation.


A thriving workplace thrives on accountability. When roles are clear, and responsibilities are well-defined, employees can focus on what they do best. PEOs play a pivotal role in fostering this sense of accountability. They help businesses streamline processes, ensuring every team member knows their role and the expectations tied to it. This clarity not only boosts efficiency but also fosters a sense of employee involvement and employee collaboration, where everyone feels they're a part of the bigger picture.

Building Employee Commitment:

A paycheck might get someone through the door, but what keeps them there, year after year? It's a deep sense of employee commitment. PEOs understand this intricate dance between employers and their teams. They help businesses create an environment where employees feel genuinely connected to the company's mission and values. This commitment is further cemented when the workplace culture resonates with employee values and promotes employee camaraderie. It's about creating a space where employees don't just work; they belong.

Streamlining Operational Processes:

Efficiency isn't just about speed; it's about doing more with less without compromising quality. PEOs excel in helping businesses streamline their operational processes. They bring in best practices, tools, and strategies to perform tasks seamlessly. But it's not just about the processes but the challenges that come with them. PEOs equip businesses to tackle employee challenges head-on, turning potential roadblocks into opportunities for growth and learning.

While the environment sets the stage, continuous learning and development opportunities truly fuel employee growth. That's why PEOs nurture a conducive learning environment, ensuring employees are always on an upward trajectory.

Nurturing a Conducive Learning Environment

How can companies ensure their employees are not just adapting but thriving? The answer lies in fostering a conducive learning environment. Let's explore how PEOs champion this cause, ensuring employees have the knowledge and skills they need to excel.

Formal Learning:

When we think of formal learning, the structured classroom or workshop setting might come to mind. But it's more than just sitting in a room with a trainer. It's about curated content, tailored programs, and targeted outcomes. PEOs recognize the significance of structured employee training programs. They collaborate with businesses to design and deliver training that aligns with your objectives and the employees' career aspirations. This ensures that every training session is informative and transformative, leading to tangible improvements in employee performance and productivity.

Informal Learning:

While formal learning lays the foundation, informal learning is where the magic often happens. It's the spontaneous knowledge exchange by the water cooler, the mentorship from a seasoned colleague, or the insights gained from a challenging project. PEOs understand the value of peer-to-peer employee relationships and on-the-job training. They encourage businesses to create spaces and opportunities for such interactions, ensuring that learning is continuous and integrated into the daily workflow.

The beauty of a conducive learning environment is that it doesn't just benefit the individual employee. It uplifts the entire organization. As employees grow, so does the company. And as we've seen, PEOs play an instrumental role in this growth journey. But while learning is a significant piece of the puzzle, leadership is the cornerstone of employee engagement.

Wrapping Up the PEO Advantage

Employee engagement is the secret sauce that transforms a good company into a great one. As we've journeyed through the myriad ways PEOs bolster engagement, it's evident that their role is supportive and transformative.

PEOs bring to the table a wealth of expertise, tools, and strategies that empower businesses to create environments where employees feel valued, heard, and motivated. From refining HR practices to fostering a continuous learning and development culture, PEOs act as catalysts, driving businesses towards unparalleled growth and success.

But beyond the tangible benefits, there's a deeper narrative.

PEOs help businesses craft stories where employees are the protagonists and where their growth, happiness, and well-being are intertwined with the company's vision. It's a narrative of mutual growth where businesses and employees thrive together.

The message is clear: Partnering with a PEO isn't just a strategic move; it's a game-changer. As we look to the future, the role of PEOs in shaping the world of work is undeniable, and their significance in the business world is only set to grow.

So, as you ponder the next steps for your business, consider the PEO advantage. It might just be the missing piece in your puzzle of success.