Zamp HR Blog

5 Types of Affordable Perks that Increase Retention

Written by Zamp HR | June 23, 2023

5 Types of Affordable Perks that Increase Retention 

Who doesn't love a surprise? In the workplace, the best surprises often come in the form of employee perks. These job extras can make the difference between a revolving door of employees and a loyal, dedicated team. 

The importance of perks in increasing retention cannot be overstated. A well-constructed compensation and benefits package partnered with affordable perks can be a game-changer.  

It's not just about the paycheck anymore. It's about creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. 

However, navigating the world of employee benefits can be challenging.  

What perks will truly make a difference?  

How can a company offer these advantages without breaking the bank?  

This article aims to guide you through this maze, offering insights into affordable perks that sweeten the deal for your staff and boost your retention rates. 

Our first focus will be on a type of perk that's become increasingly important in the modern workplace: work-life balance.  

1. Work-Life Balance Perks 

In the hustle of the corporate world, work-life balance is a prized commodity. Perks that promote a healthy equilibrium between work and personal life can be a magnet for talent and a powerful tool for retention. 

 Flexible work hours stand as a beacon in this category. They allow employees to mold their work schedules around personal commitments, reducing stress and increasing satisfaction. It's a win-win situation, yielding more productive, happier employees. 

Similarly, work-from-home options have surged in popularity. After all, who wouldn't appreciate dodging the daily commute? Besides saving time, this perk can also mean saving on transport or fuel costs, a bonus for the employees. 

Personal time off policies is another cornerstone in promoting work-life balance. Whether it's a birthday off, mental health days, or self-care days, these breaks can go a long way in preventing burnout and keeping motivation high. They send a clear message: the company cares about its employees' well-being. 

However, work-life balance is just one piece of the puzzle. As we move forward, we'll explore how professional development and recognition play an equally critical role in staff retention. 

2. Professional Development and Recognition Perks 

 The desire to learn doesn't disappear after graduation. It's a lifelong journey, and companies can tap into this by offering professional development and recognition as part of their employee incentives. 

Employee assistance programs are an excellent starting point. These programs often provide resources and support for personal and professional issues, showing employees that the company is invested in their well-being. They can include counseling services, legal advice, or financial planning assistance. 

Professional development courses, on the other hand, are all about growth. They allow employees to acquire new skills or deepen existing ones. By offering these courses, companies are not just fostering individual development but also strengthening their teams and preparing for future needs. 

Recognition also plays a significant role in retention. Employees want to feel seen and appreciated for their efforts. Establishing recognition programs or giving occasional bonuses can make employees feel valued and motivate them to strive for excellence. 

Yet, the journey to creating a retention-friendly environment doesn't stop here. There's another critical aspect to explore: health and wellness.  

2. Affordable Health and Wellness Perks 

A healthy employee isn't just more likely to be a productive employee, they're also more likely to be a happy one. That’s just one reason health and wellness are closely tied to retention. Let's look at how companies can leverage this connection through affordable perks. 

Fitness and wellness programs are a popular choice. These could range from discounted gym memberships to in-house yoga classes or wellness workshops. These initiatives encourage healthier lifestyles and demonstrate that the company values its employees. 

Commuter benefits are another example. Despite sounding mundane, these can significantly contribute to an employee's overall health and wellness.  

How? By easing the stress and financial burden of daily commuting. 

Reduced fare programs, bike-to-work schemes, or carpooling incentives are just some examples of how this perk can be implemented. 

Regular health screenings, too, are a valuable perk. These could include annual physical exams, mental health check-ups, or health and wellness seminars. By promoting preventative care, companies can help their employees stay healthy and feel cared for. 

 Health and wellness perks show employees that the company cares about them beyond their work output. Yet, an employee's relationship with their job isn't just about the work and the benefits. Social connections and a sense of community also play a crucial role. The following section will explore how strategic, affordable job incentives can foster social and community engagement. 

4. Affordable Social and Community Engagement Perks

The era of company ping pong tables is coming to a close.  

However, social and community engagement are still powerful staff incentives. Employees who feel connected and engaged are likelier to stay with your company.  

Company-sponsored social events are an excellent way to foster this connection. These can range from holiday parties to team-building activities or casual Friday and happy hours. These events allow employees to relax, socialize, and build relationships outside of a strictly professional context. 

Employee resource groups are another effective tool. These groups provide a platform for employees to connect over shared interests or identities. They can be based on anything from hobbies to cultural backgrounds, creating a sense of community and belonging within the workplace. 

Many employees also value a company's commitment to environmental sustainability. Eco-friendly initiatives can be a great way to engage employees and demonstrate a shared commitment to causes they care about. This could be anything from recycling programs to volunteering opportunities related to environmental conservation. 

Creating a sense of community and engagement goes a long way in making employees feel connected to their workplace. However, we can't ignore the allure of financial perks. 

5. Affordable Financial Perks 

Money may not buy happiness, but it sure doesn't hurt. Financial and material benefits remain a compelling part of any employment perks package, and they still hold significant sway in retention efforts. 

Employee discounts are a classic yet effective perk. Whether it's a discount on the company's products or services or deals with partner businesses, these savings can add up and make a difference in employees' wallets. They also serve as a constant reminder of the benefits of being part of the organization. 

Free or discounted tickets to local events are a bonus offering that can add some fun to the mix. These could be tickets to concerts, sports events, or local attractions. This perk offers employees a financial benefit and encourages them to engage with their local community, fostering a greater sense of connection and belonging. 

Companies can draw from an extensive palette of perks to increase retention. In the next section, we'll tie all these threads together and explore how they create a cohesive, powerful strategy for boosting employee loyalty. 

The Power of Perks in Employee Retention 

Retention isn't just a goal; it's an art form. It's about blending the right mix of perks to create a harmonious, enticing employment benefits package. However, recognize that different employees value different perks. Having a flexible, diverse array of offerings is ideal. 

The key to retention lies in understanding what employees value and offering a package of perks that caters to these needs. The goal is to create an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged. Show employees that the company cares about them, not just as workers, but as individuals, by creating a workplace that employees don't want to leave.