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Automate the collection of employee tips, piecework and more.

Automate the collection of employee tips, piecework and more.

Businesses come in countless varieties, shapes and sizes. For many companies, it can be very difficult to accurately collect information from employees pertaining to their shift, such as tips collect, mileage or piecework. For this purchase, there is something called "Clock prompts," which are custom questions that can be asked to employees at the time they clock in or out by the time clock device. This capability allows employees to report information to be used for payroll processing.Clock prompts enable employers to collect additional labor and numeric data from employees during clock in and out. Employers can track hours by job, department, or other criteria. They can also collect totals for tips, piecework, mileage and other similar details.

The new filtered clock prompts lets employers customize which prompts employees see based on their group membership and exclude individuals from prompts as needed. Lists associated with prompts (e.g., department, job) can also correlate to group membership reducing any irrelevant options. Clock in and out is faster, with fewer errors, and more complete information for payroll.

Benefits of Clock Prompts

Saves employee time

Employees only see the prompts relevant to them, and any associated list is pared for relevance as well. This reduces the time needed to complete clock in and out.

Fewer errors

Filtered clock prompts reduce confusion and clutter during clock in and out, making it more likely that the employee makes proper selections.

Faster time card processing

Time card data already includes the data collected through filtered clock prompts. The data fields can be easily mapped for export to payroll.


Labor prompts—collect details to subdivide hours worked by position, location, or other category.

Numeric prompts—collect whole or decimal number input to track tips, mileage, piecework, or other totals.

Group correlation—filter prompts based on assigned group(s). Only prompts that are relevant to the employee’s group display at clock in/out.

List correlation—filters lists to match specific criteria based on assigned group. Only list items relevant for the group display.

Geofence correlation—filter to only employees with geofence enabled.

Individual exclusion—identify individual group members who should not see a particular prompt.

Prompt timing—prompts can be set to display at clock in or out. For example, an employee might select their work role during clock in, and enter mileage at clock out.

Learn More from Zamp HR

If you have questions about streamlining timekeeping, tips or other workforce data, speak with a specialist from Zamp HR to learn more. We hope you'll experience the Zamp HR difference for yourself. For additional questions, please contact us online or by phone.

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