Zamp HR Blog

How do HROs Price Their Services?

Human resource outsourcing (HRO) providers give small businesses much-needed relief for HR tasks. But pricing models for HR outsourcing can vary and can affect your ROI. Small business owners are faced with four distinct pricing models. The pricing…
  • Nov 05, 2021

Don't Get Sued for Compliance Errors

Employee-focused litigation had a bit of a slowdown in the first half of 2020 as companies and employees alike worked to figure out how to navigate Covid-19. But now that businesses are taking steps to bring employees back to physical locations and…
  • Sep 24, 2021

Which Employee Benefits Are Required By Law?

Every company needs to attract and retain top talent to continue its growth. To do that, many companies choose to offer comprehensive benefits packages. When people think of a company's benefits, they often think of voluntary benefits like paid time…
  • Aug 10, 2021

What Determines Workers' Compensation Premiums?

Workers' compensation is a necessary expense. However, it can be a major burden on smaller employers, and costs can increase dramatically if you have to make a claim. To properly control these costs, you need to understand how your premiums are…
  • Jan 26, 2021

The Benefits of Outsourcing Risk Management

Owning a business is risky enough. You invest lots of personal capital, countless hours, and trust that the people you have hired are competent and looking out for your company's best interests. That requires developing a bulletproof risk management…
  • Dec 15, 2020

Risk Management for Utah Businesses

In today's complex regulatory and safety environment, businesses need risk management to survive. Being aware of and planning for risk helps with compliance (which, these days, can include compliance with global standards as well as local ones, even…
  • Dec 01, 2020

How to Lower Workers' Comp Costs

Employers know that they are required to carry workers comp insurance. However, many do not understand that without optimization, workers' comp costs can take an unnecessarily large chunk of a company's bottom line.
  • Sep 02, 2020

How PEOs Optimize Risk Management

Combating the tsunami of regulatory oversight and ever-emerging standards is a full-time job. You have to keep your eyes on local, state, regional, and federal guidelines in addition to the significant global standards that are slowly creeping their…
  • Aug 17, 2020

The Devastating Cost of Regulatory Compliance Failures

Business owners have ended up losing everything because they ignored existing regulations or made simple errors when trying to comply with the law. Mistakes as simple as misclassifying whether an employee is an independent contractor or not can have…
  • May 19, 2020
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