Zamp HR Blog

Why Cross Training Your Employees Can Be Your Greatest Investment

Are you keeping up with your cross training to ensure that your company stays fit?
  • Jun 15, 2018

Being Friendly, But Not Too Friendly at Work. How to Avoid Unintentional Sexual Harassment.

Let me guess. When you read the title of this article, you immediately think “How can there possibly be anything unintentional about sexual harassment?” Or maybe, you thought to yourself, “Yes! Someone finally understands that I shouldn’t get in…
  • May 23, 2018

How to be a Great Boss 101: Employee Recognition

The Thanksgiving season has us all reflecting on the things for which we are grateful: sunny days, football games, apple pie. However, November 24th isn’t the only time we should take to express our gratitude. As an employer, it’s always the time to…
  • Nov 17, 2017

Open Enrollment: "Rezamping" your Benefits Administration

With year end finally in sight, employers and employees alike have open enrollment on the mind. Open enrollment is the yearly opportunity for employees to make changes to their benefits plan that are not allowed at other times during the year. It’s…
  • Oct 30, 2017

Hey, Are You Listening? 4 Tips for Listening Better

Research continually indicates that listening is a key differentiating factor between average leaders and good leaders. According to research done at Columbia University, good listening skills are tied to an increased ability to influence and…
  • Sep 20, 2017

4 Tips for Recruiting Champions in a Competitive Market

According to a study published in the Journal of Personnel Psychology, a high performer can deliver 400% more productivity than an average performer. This makes recruiting and hiring top performers one of the top concerns of business owners. And…
  • Aug 31, 2017

To Test or Not to Test: Compliant Preemployment Testing

No one likes taking tests. They're the bane of every student’s existence. When a student graduates, he thinks his testing days are finally over and he can rest easy at night, knowing the nightmare of sitting at a cold metal desk in a starkly silent…
  • Jul 20, 2017

The 411 on 401k: Why You Should Offer a 401k Plan

In a world where the longevity of social security is coming into question, potential employees in the job hunt pay special attention to a company's 401(k) benefits. In fact, according to a recent study by Glassdoor, 79% of employees would prefer…
  • Jul 01, 2017

7 Tips for Staff Meetings Your Employees Won't Hate

The mere mention of a staff meeting is enough to cause both employer and employee to break out in a cold sweat. You probably don’t have to think back very far to remember the last unproductive meeting you attended. Ineffective staff meetings are a…
  • Jun 19, 2017

More than Money: Increasing Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is at the heart of company growth and achievement. Studies have shown that the more motivated your employees are, the more effective your organization will be. Employee motivation has also been linked to higher job satisfaction…
  • Jun 05, 2017